confidence courage failure sitting on the fence taking risks Apr 07, 2017
In a world where we all strive for perfection it seems like an abnormal thought that failure is actually good. The word failure is linked with the word LOSER, so we alll strive to never fail at anything. Nothing could be further from the truth. However what happens when we we avoid failure is we then begin to live in fear. We fear trying something new unless we are guaranteed success. So, typically we will put off going for what we really want, or trying out something new whether that is a career or new girlfriend. After all what happens if we "fail" at it?
The dread of the mere thought of failing. So like most people you probably find yourself sitting on the fence. Perhaps for days, years or even decades. The trouble of sitting on the fence is eventually it begins to hurt, so the pain of not going for what you want becomes worse then the pain you will feel if you try and actual fail.
How do you get over your fear of failure? It is so easy actually. You get over your fear of failure when you stop thinking of failure as bad. Then there is no fear. If you begin to look at failure as just an experience, then the fear begins to disappear. Yep that's right just an experience that leads you closer to what you really want.
It is very rare in life that someone actually tries something and everything turns out perfectly. Really how often do we open the right door first? I would say that pretty much only happens in fairy tales. When you try something new and it doesn't work out perfectly so what! Now you know you either don't really want what you just tried or you do and now you must try another way. Makes sense?
So actually failure is good! If "failure" leads you to your next best step then "failure" is actually your friend. How often should you keep trying something before you give up? Well that really depends on how badly you want something. If you really want something then you never ever give up.
When you treat your failures just as experiences leading you to the next best step or directing you clearer to what you really want then the world is your oyster. With some effort and perserverance you can make it happen!
So from now on, you are a winner when you fail because you are one step closer to getting what you want, and you my friend have now earned a courage badge and as a result you are becoming a more confident you. That is much more I can say about most of the regular people in the world who are waiting for someday when they will have the assurance they will never fail, which we know will never happen.
Live life bold.
With much love